Sushmita Sen, the diva of Bollywood celebrates her birthday on the 19th of November and Imagine Showbiz brings you a special treat, 'The Story So Far', where you get to see the mysteries of this true Scorpion
She is popularly known as 'the woman of substance', stands 5 feet 8 inches tall, has revolutionized motherhood in India and made sarees the global attire. This week catch an exclusive episode that
will take you through Sushmita's life... only on Imagine Showbiz.
This week 'The Story So Far', will embark on the journey of the multifaceted personality - Sushmita Sen. From winning the Miss Universe title at the young age of 18 to being a successful Bollywood actress, Sushmita
has certainly come a long way.
The talented actress is known for her powerful performances in films like Chingaari, Main Hoon Na, Filhaal and many more. The stunning actress juggles her professional and
personal life with adopted daughter Reene with great panache.
This Bengali babe surely knows how to re-invent herself as she turns director and producer with her upcoming movie 'Rani Laxmibai'.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 15:01 IST